Can I use ByHeart with Baby Breeza?
While we find that ByHeart is best prepared as outlined in the instructions on our can, you are welcome to use the Baby Brezza, if you prefer.
How to make a ByHeart bottle, how many ounces, combo feeding
While we find that ByHeart is best prepared as outlined in the instructions on our can, you are welcome to use the Baby Brezza, if you prefer.
We recommend mixing with warm water to ensure it dissolves quickly, easily, and with as little foam as possible (although foam is totally safe for baby and normal!), but ultimately, you can use whatever temperature water baby prefers. If you do heat
Please watch our video and instructions on how to mix here. Mixing directions are also included on the back of each ByHeart can.
Yes! Many parents combo feed, which is the practice of substituting breast milk feedings with formula feeds.
It ultimately depends on the reason you are switching your baby’s formula. You can do either a slow transition or speed it up! Your baby’s doctor should help when deciding the best approach. An important thing to remember is that it will take time fo
For the safety of your baby, they should only be drinking formula that has been sitting at room temperature for up to 2 hours. If you want to save formula for later, you can keep it in the fridge (capped!) for up to 24 hours. Happy feeding!